Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dinner - 57/365

We still have not given the boys Mexican food because I'm afraid it will be too spicy for them.  Of course given their odd tastes (they DEVOUR garlic hummus) perhaps they'd love it.  On the other hand, when we make chicken fajitas it's also a nice break for us because we feed them at their normal time (chicken, boiled garlic and parsley potatoes and gravy tonight) and then make our dinner after they go to sleep.  Ah, the guilty pleasure of a meal eaten without a constant eye out for a fork about to be flung or a baby about to scream because he's out of chicken and his brother still has some.

I cut up the onion and pepper while Chris was giving the boys a bath, and it was so pretty I just had to take a picture.  And then it looked so yummy after Chris was done cooking it that I had to take another!

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