Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Post-Nap Happiness 11/365

Samuel doesn't always wake from his nap so cheerful, but today was a good day!


  1. How cute! The funny thing is, I was thisclose to posting the exact opposite - my little man's post-nap fuss. I went with the dog instead :)
    How old are your boys? Will is 15 months.

  2. Perfect profile in the shadow!

  3. Carrie, they are 20mo old now and a real handful! Sam is usually the fussy one after naps, so this was a nice change. And Daddy, yeah, I LOVE the shadow.

  4. Wow! I really love that shadow too! My daughter 90% of the time wakes up so fussy, days when she wakes up happy are the best! :)

  5. Awww! Love the light pouring in! My kids usually wake up fussy too.
